In December 2022 Studio H owners decided to give back to local organizations that share their same passion for the arts and love for animals. A dollar from every student's monthly tuition is used to send monthly donations to Jeb, a brown Grizzly Bear at the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, CO and the Fort Collins Children's Theatre.

Photography by Studio H Media Services
Engaging Northern Colorado in Live, Family-Friendly Theatre and Performing Arts Education for Over 60 Years.

Photography by Studio H Media Services

The mission of Fort Collins Children's Theatre is to engage the Northern Colorado community in live, family-friendly theatre and story while providing safe spaces for personal and cultural growth.
This includes:
Affordable live theatre
Youth performing arts education and mentorship
Family entertainment
Accessible to marginalized populations
High production quality
Enriching the lives of adults and youth through learning and performing opportunities

Junior Bear Finally Finds His Home
When residents of a neighborhood in Tok, Alaska some 3,000 miles from here, repeatedly noticed a lone Grizzly cub in June 2021, they knew something was amiss. Typically, those cubs will spend the first 2-3 years of their life with Mama Grizzly - they go everywhere together. It was quickly surmised that this little cub had been tragically orphaned. Little is known about the young one’s mother, but the concerned locals of Tok affectionately named the cub, “Jebbie”. The Alaska Department of Fish & Game quickly intervened on his behalf, thankfully seeking other solutions instead of euthanizing.
His first stop would be to the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage. There, the underweight Bear’s health would be assessed before moving elsewhere. After a few weeks, Jebbie left Alaska for the Detroit Zoo, where he received a full veterinary examination.
The Zoo happened to have a young female Polar Bear cub at the time who was unable to return to her family after recovering from birth-related health issues. With two, separate Bear cubs in need of fellowship on their hands, a unique opportunity presented itself. The Bears were eventually brought together, finding the necessary enrichment with one another.

Laerke a Polar Bear & Jebbie a Grizzly Bear

A Grizzly Bear cub and a Polar Bear cub cohabitating was a quite a sight! So much so that outfits like even ran articles on their unusual bond. For seven months, these two enjoyed the other’s company day and night.
However, as the Zoo staff suspected from the beginning, boy-Jebbie physically outgrew his female Polar-pal, and their playing became less compatible. At one point, it finally became evident that it was in the best interest of both animals to separate them.
Though that time of socialization was vital for both cubs' development, Jebbie was once again faced with another move in his future. And don't worry about that polar bear cub, living with Jebbie helped her to be more socially equipped to live with other Polar Bears.
The Wild Animal Sanctuary worked with the Detroit Zoo in re-homing two of their Bears several years earlier, and they were contacted once it was determined that Jebbie was in need of a new home.
Jebbie arrived in Colorado in early September 2022 -almost exactly a year to the day of when he landed in Detroit. Fortunately, the Wild Animal Sanctuary had the perfect habitat in mind for him! However, before Jebbie could romp with other Grizzlies his age, he first spent time in his acclimation-apartment to adjust to the entirely new sights and smells of Colorado.

Despite the many changes already endured in his young life, Jebbie seemed to be perfectly fine with his new home and the other Grizzly Bears that lived within the 20-acre habitat. Each day, the other young Grizzly Bears that were nearly the same age, would come to play with Jebbie (now called Jeb for short by Animal Care Staff) through the fencing that made up his temporary enclosure.
It was not long before the Wild Animal Sanctuary's Animal Care team deemed it was safe for Jeb to join the other Bears. He immediately became fast friends with another young Grizzly named Oscar. Within the very first hour of Jeb’s release into the habitat, the two had already been spotted swimming together and practicing their wrestling moves!

Seen from the walkway, many guests have already noticed the amplified play from within that particular habitat these last few weeks. Of course, that would be Jeb and his new family members! He’s also quite partial to having his own water tanks to climb in and out of - but truth be told - Jeb is especially fond of the beautiful extra-large pond located in the center of the 20-acre habitat.
As most Bears rescued by the Wild Animal Sanctuary have never been able to properly hibernate before going there, it is typical that their first winter will include multiple “snooze alarm” moments as Colorado weather fluctuates greatly. However, Jeb is already showing signs that his body is slowing down for a long, cold-weather nap!
As a special pre-hibernation treat, Jeb & company were given a prize-winning 60+ pound pumpkin – donated by a family of wonderful animal supporters. In record time, Jeb jumped in and began tearing at the pumpkin, applying his entire weight upon the massive orange orb just so he could get to the gooey, fun stuff inside!

The Wild Animal Sanctuary are very thankful that Jeb has adjusted so quickly to his new home. He and Oscar are definitely buddies, and he even likes Oscar’s sister Clementine. However, Oscar and Clementine’s mother, Loretta, seems to have reservations so far, as the Wild Animal Sanctuary have seen her scold Jeb every so often.
Odds, are, she sees how rowdy Jeb is and wants to make sure her children don’t get hurt. However, when they are watched the three of them play, there is no doubt each of these growling Grizzly Bears are nearly indestructible!
The Wild Animal Sanctuary isn't sure yet how well Jeb will hibernate - but given his best friend's family, they have figured out how to master good sleep all winter long. The thought is that Jeb will be in the den with Oscar, Clementine and Loretta snoozing together in one big pile. Many of the Wild Animal Sanctuary's Grizzly and Black Bears learn early on that community sleep piles generate incredible comfortable temperatures within the den.

One of these days the Wild Animal Sanctuary will send an unmanned remote-controlled vehicle down into one of the underground dens so they can snap a picture of this unique technique. To date, all of their other efforts to have den cameras have failed, since Bears can always smell the equipment no matter how well they are hidden or secured. Quite happily, and without fail, they always remove them with ease!
For now, we can all rest assured that Jeb will have lots of company and group support as he learns how to properly hibernate. In the wild, Jeb’s mother would have been his companion, protector and doting mother in every way. Now that Jeb’s new foster family has taken over those duties, this once orphaned cub is as happy as a Bear with a giant kettle of honey!

From Tok, to Anchorage, to Detroit, to his final stop in Keenesburg, Colorado, this is one well-traveled Bear. Throughout his incredible journey from the lonely isolation of the Alaskan streets, to the plains of our beautiful Centennial State, Jeb really had no way to fathom what lay ahead. Thankfully, Jeb’s future is now secure and full of great promise. Welcome home, Jeb we support you!
The Wild Animal Sanctuary 1946 County Road 53 Keenesburg, CO 80643 303-536-0118
PHONE: 303-536-0118 TOLL FREE NUMBER: (888) 304-1963